Saturday, October 3, 2015

Follow-ups and Fetal Echocardiogram

I continued to see my own doctor on a regular basis, but also went to the MFM office to see a Specialist every 3 weeks. They wanted to make sure everything was still ok and that he was growing normally.

One perk of having to see a specialist all the time is that I always got to see and hear my little man. Normally you don't get that and don't get many pictures, but I got them every 3 weeks :) This was the last time I went the the MFM office before Trevor was born. Now that I see these pic I can totally 100% see my little Trevor! He still makes those faces and loves that tongue (Many children with Down Syndrome have issue with tongue thrust because their muscle tone is much lower than that of a typical child) haha!

Every time we had an appointment things looked good. After a couple of visits and them STILL not being able to get a good view of his heart (he always was in impossible positions when they were trying to look at him!), they decided to send me to get a Fetal Echocardiogram.

I went up to the Primary Children's Hospital Out-Patient clinic a few weeks later to get the echo done. All they did was another ultrasound, but it took forever! That poor girl doing to the ultrasound had to work SO hard to get Trevor to cooperate! He just never wanted to let anyone look at what we needed to see! After over an hour of her tying, she finally gave in because she had most of teh views she needed except for a good view of his aortic arch. The most commonly associated congenital heart defects in Down syndrome are atrioventricular septal defect, tetralogy of Fallot, interrupted aortic arch, ventricular septal defect, and truncus arteriosus. But Trevor was just not going to cooperate so we had to stop. The Cardiologist came in and talked to me for about 30 seconds haha! He asked why I has come in (uh... shouldn't you have that info? haha) and I explained that there was possibility of my baby having Down Syndrome and no one ever got a good view of his heart. He then said that everything looked totally normal! All 4 chambers were there with all the arteries and everything. Although the aortic arch view wasn't perfect, he said he still felt great and that the babe had great heart health :) Woohoo!! We never had to have another one and Trevor came not too long after that!


  1. I'm addicted to your blog already! You are one amazing mama for handling your pregnancy the way you did with so many unknowns. I feel so blessed to have you as such an amazing example in my life! Don't make us wait too long between posts! :)

    1. Oh my gosh, Liz! I am the one that looks up to you- seriously. I love your little Austin updates, too! We should get these two little boys together sometime :) Sure do love you!!
